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Modern Breach Hunting for Red Team Applications

Breach hunting has in recent years been a primary attack vector for malicious hackers to obtain a foothold on corporate networks. Gone (mostly) are the days of finding SQL injection on a company’s customer-facing web resources, popping open an XP_CMDSHELL, and proxychaining your way to the DC. Now even non-technically-savvy organizations are able to leverage The Cloud and COTS solutions that preclude a lot of the easy initial attack vectors that many of us grew up with.

Algebraic Data Types in Java

Many languages, especially functional ones, make use of algebraic data types. That is, types that have fixed and well known subtypes or implementations. Most languages have some keyword to allow the developer to prevent new implementations of the class from being made. One example would be the sealed keyword on scala traits, which prevents the trait from being implemented anywhere except for in the file where it was declared.

Hypermedia APIs in Play! framework with the blackdoor hate library

REST APIs are all the rage. They make web services easier and simpler to use. However, most REST APIs are not fully RESTfull or "mature". This is because they typically lack one thing, HATEOAS (Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State). The most commonly cited reason for not creating hypermedia APIs is "it's too hard". It may indeed be hard sometimes if you're not sure what to do and the framework you're using doesn't have support built in.
But it doesn't have to be.

Converting Thumbstick Input to Useful N-Directional Input

When developing a game, one of the major hurdles is converting information from input devices (whether mouse, keyboard, controller, or something else) into useful information that your game engine can use to update the game's state.

In this article, we are going to specifically focus on how to translate the typical information given by a controller's thumbsticks into more useable data.